Monday, February 19, 2007

Well, just fancy that! During yet another lengthy but most enjoyable telephone call to the best friend, She reads me my horoscope. Well Mr Cainer, you could well have had me in mind when writing this. The Blonde and I were discussing only a few hours earlier how difficult life is at the moment following 'The Plan'.

Monday, 19th February 2007

LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23)

You feel tense and excited all at once. Mercury's conjunction to the Sun suggests big stuff is shifting and major change is on the way. You have been trying to make yourself happy by following a plan or policy that could never bring you true joy. This is partly why you have been feeling so unhappy. Now, as the truth of this dawns on you, you are starting to see how you can be happy doing something you once associated with unhappiness. This is about to help you feel very happy indeed.

1 comment:

Mrs S said...

Welcome to takes over!