Friday, April 27, 2007

Remember This

Three things in life that, once gone, never come back -
1. Time
2. Words
3. Opportunity

Three things in life that can destroy a person -
1. Anger
2. Pride
3. Unforgiveness

Three things in life that you should never lose-
1. Hope
2. Peace
3. Honesty

Three things in life that are most valuable -

1. Love
2. Family & Friends
3. Kindness

Three things in life that are never certain -

1. Fortune
2. Success
3. Dreams

Three things that make a person -

1. Commitment
2. Sincerity
3. Hard work

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Secret signs he is that into you

The little-known ways you can tell you’ve hooked him ( As per Cosmo and Jo too!)

He wants to talk (ALL the time)

Go to turn your mobile off at night and there are three text messages waiting for you. Switch on your PC first thing and there's a novel-length email. The idea is simply to make sure you're occasionally reminded of his existence. Because you're not going to be with him if you don't know he exists.

He touches you

If drunk men make uncontrolled lurches at you, interested sober ones take any opportunity to get in a familiar (but not too familiar) touch: a gentle hand on your shoulder, the offer to help you off with your coat (shame it's just your coat, he's thinking). The truth is, it's just a sly way of copping a feel.

He's concerned about your welfare

It really is his moral duty as an honest straight-talker with your best interests at heart to point out at every opportunity just what a lousy, ugly, unfunny, short, inconsiderate dumb-ass your boyfriend is. The meaning is clear: you deserve better. You deserve me.

He's so in demand

Casual references to casual girlfriends are meant to give you the impression he's not single in the sad sense, only in the sense of not being in a committed relationship. This is a tricky line to tread. He wants you to know he's in demand, but not so much that you think he's unavailable, especially to you.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Skunk killed my beloved son!

Bless my mum, she took it literally.

As a child, Guy was the liveliest, most happy-go-lucky boy that a mother could wish for.

Guy Summers had cannabis-induced psychosis
He was mischievous, charming and always on the go; if there was a tree to be climbed, he was there. He loved music, he loved life.
In 2003, at the age of 16, he started experimenting with cannabis.
I assumed it was just a phase he would grow out of and, to some extent, turned a blind eye. But within six months my ebullient boy was transformed into a quivering, paranoid wreck, who was bombarded by voices in his head and who rarely left the house. A year later he committed suicide.
Five months after he started using the drug, doctors diagnosed him as suffering from cannabis-induced psychosis. He stopped smoking it immediately, but the damage was done.